Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Starduster / art journal page.

Dream host and
4th dimension
Spirit guides to will of attraction
 2014 calendar
Blanket sky coat
Old crow,
feathered soul
 Eye &  I &  1.

Happy New Year.

Monday, December 02, 2013

American Krampus Society

Saturday, December 7 at 7:00pm

Over 20 artist showing, me included. Same day event of the Zine Fest!!! 

East Bay Alternative Book and Zine Fest 2013

             East Bay Alternative Book and Zine Fest 2013                      

I'll be tabling my wears once again this year. My table is at the overflow above the atrium upon entering. Come through!


you can't hear me though...


       The event was a success! I had such a blast and can't wait to be part of another EBABZ event. The volunteers and organizers are ACES! Having to meet everyone that passed by my table and having really meaningful conversations was a reward. Familiar faces and new spirits make it all the more. Thank you to all that bought my zines for their collection and gifts. . Again, the kind words are appreciated and will continue the craft of self publishing. Oh, and the trades of zines with fellow artists....wow. I'm sooo extremely blessed.  Fun, fun fun.