I'm drinking from the Burroughs well as of this moment. This tale intrigues me in a sense that reflectively, addiction comes in all forms that fall under the seven sins (gluttony, lust, greed, etc...)And so that junk, whatever it may be, takes a devilish hold on you.
What a haunting piece. Nice work! Have you thought about submitting work for the Phantom galleries in downtown SJSU? I think they'd snatch this stuff up in a second. I'll email you links if you're interested.
Hey Ron B.
Thanks for your continued support!
I've glanced over the Phantom gallery thing sometime ago but not to savy about it. Any info would be great. Thanks again-WP
bei lavori molto"artistici", complimenti!
Hey Warren. I totally forgot to get back to you about the galleries. I have some info but don't have your email. Get my email address off my website and let me know yours. www.creativeinvasion.com (I don't want to type the email address here or spammers will scan it.
Sinister and fantastic!
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